Dr. James McMahan has a medical practice in Columbus, Ohio where he performs all types cosmetic surgeries get the facts. One of his most popular cosmetic body procedures is the tummy tightening. Abdominoplasty was the original name for tummy tuck. It is a surgery where the abdominal muscle are tightened and excess skin removed from the stomach. The tummy tightening procedure is similar to that of many other cosmetic procedures. It’s usually done as an outpatient under the influence of anesthesia.
It is important to know that there are various types of tummy pull procedures. Patients who only need to remove a small amount skin are the ones that usually opt for tummy tightening procedures. Standard tummy tightening involves the removal all skin from the abdomen button to the pubic line. Also, the muscles of the midline from the ribs to the pubic area are tightened.
Today, tummy tightening procedures are far more extensive and involve the removal all excess skin from the entire body. It allows the surgeon to remove the excess skin or fat on the side and the back, in addition the the abdomen. This type provides patients with results they find very appealing. Although the procedure may be lengthy, it produces stunning results. Dr. McMahan has been a plastic surgeon for over 20 years and is a leading expert in Columbus, Ohio. She believes the ideal candidates are people who have excess skin that looks hideous, but are also close to their ideal physique. Women who fit the description above are typically those who have had a number of children and don’t plan on having any more.