Five Reasons why Hispanics Have More Plastic Surgeries

Hispanics have been visiting plastic surgeons increasingly additional reading. Hispanics, according to American Society of Plastic Surgeons, are among the top minorities when it comes to number of procedures. In 2009, Hispanics performed around 12 % of all surgeries – an increase of 12 % over the prior year. The top three surgical requests are liposuction, nose reshaping, and breast augmentation. Why are Hispanics so keen to have surgery all of a suddenly? The following five reasons provide an explanation.

1. Plastic surgery can be seen on TV. It is almost impossible for anyone to live in the modern world without being influenced by TV. Hispanics who live in Central or South America as well in the United States watch reality shows where they discuss the pros of plastic surgery. Some even show the graphic surgical procedures such as a tummy tuck and breast reduction. As a result of all the exposure, plastic surgeries have become more and more normal.

2. Hispanics enjoy a higher disposable income. Plastic surgery should be considered an extravagance. When it comes down to deciding whether you want to put food on your table or indulge in breast implants, the food will win. Hispanics, however, are now more prosperous than ever. Many have disposable income. These extra funds can be used to upgrade their homes and cars or have plastic surgery.

3. The results were better. Because darker skin is more sensitive to plastic surgery, it has been difficult for people of all colors to achieve good results. The number of Latinos & African-Americans undergoing ethnic rhinoplasty surgery to reshape a nose is increasing. This has led surgeons to learn how to provide effective results for patients of color. And as more people learn about the success, they refer their friends and families.

4. It’s no taboo. Plastic surgery was once a practice that was kept a mystery. Patients often denied undergoing surgery if they were questioned. Hollywood stars, such as Cameron Diaz, who have revealed that they had rhinoplasty surgery and everyday people with new breasts and a new nose are erasing the taboo of cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery has now become almost normal and is often an indication of socioeconomic standing.

5. Hispanics have become accustomed to U.S. cultural norms. In a recent Latina survey, readers of the magazine were asked about their attitudes towards plastic surgery. More than 70 per cent of the respondents were in favor. “If there is something I want to fix, I’ll have it done!” This attitude can partly be attributed to Hispanics assimilating into U.S. cultures, where beauty standards are based on how thin or wrinkleless you look. This is probably why Hispanics most commonly request minimally invasive procedures such as microdermabrasions and injectable wrinkle reductions such Botox.

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